Doing the Work: How to Architect a Systematic Security Program, Part 3

Building a security program from the ground up is a complicated, complex undertaking that can pay massive dividends down the road. We firmly believe that “the devil is in the details,” in that the more thought an organization invests in organizing their framework (see Part 1 of this series) and planning how to measure against […]

Measuring Up: How to Architect a Systematic Security Program – Part 2

 In Part 1 of this series , we discussed how organizations can go about selecting a framework for implementation. In order to effectively measure your organization against the selected framework, the organization must take five crucial steps before doing any assessment or analysis. Define the rating scale Define the rating criteria Determine how to address […]

Framework Selection: How to Architect a Systematic Security Program – Part 1

A need for public trust in information systems has driven continuous technological advances and new regulatory requirements, which have in turn made the global cyber threat landscape more complex and connected (see figure 1). As Boards of Directors, regulators, and the public become more aware of this interplay, organizations will need to evolve to address […]

Part 2 – Adapting Security Strategy to the Rise of Opportunistic Attacks

Over the past two years, we’ve seen a number of our clients’ security programs re-orient to prepare for potential ransomware incidents. Much of these preparations have focused on the controls and processes that would specifically help prevent and respond to a ransomware infection. While this is often effort well-spent, I’d like to suggest that many […]