Attack Surface Management

Gain complete visibility into your constantly expanding attack surface through continuous discovery, identification, and monitoring of your ever evolving digital landscape.

Attack Surface Management
Uncover the Hidden Risks Within Your Attack Surface Management

Uncover the Hidden Risks Within Your Attack Surface

You can’t protect what you can’t see. By mapping your digital assets, you gain valuable insights into your infrastructure, applications, and connected devices. This comprehensive view empowers you to understand the various entry points attackers may exploit and take proactive measures to minimize risks.

Human Experts, Technology Empowered

Using automation as a force multiplier, our expert human engineers guide every phase to continuously discover, validate and prioritize your attack surface.

Human Experts, Technology Empowered Attack Surface Management
Proactive Risk Assessment - Attack Surface Management

Proactive Risk Assessment

Go beyond traditional vulnerability scanning to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the business impact and risks of interconnected assets.

Signal When It Matters

We don’t prioritize noise, we remove it. Our expert engineers manually verify and validate findings with a sole focus on surfacing true material risks to the organization.

Signal When It Matters - Attack Surface Management

Vulnerability Research

Praetorian Labs research team is fully dedicated to vulnerability research and exploit development, keeping organizations one step ahead of emerging threats.

Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Utilize open-source intelligence to understand publicly available data sources such as domain infrastructure, DNS records, network configurations, employee information, and other sensitive company information.


Apply tagging to cluster assets and establish a risk perspective of your attack surface. By assigning metadata to your assets, such as their hosting location and their association with specific business processes, organizations can bring focus to the material risk facing their operations.

Tagging - Attack Surface Management

Manage Your Attack Surface
from the Hackers’ Perspective

Discover Shadow IT and Reduce Technology Sprawl

Proactively defend your attack surface and discover weaknesses within your environment; assets both known and unknown

Close the Attackers’ Window of Opportunity

Find the weakness before attackers do and quickly close the attack window through white-glove remediation guidance from a dedicated Praetorian security engineer.

Gain Full Technology Coverage

Praetorian’s Chariot platform offers the most holistic attack surface coverage on the market, accounting for all internal, external, cloud, web apps, secrets, phishing, and third- party attack vectors.

Address Material Risk, Not Superficial Detections

By combining continuous automation with human driven context and triage, internal IT teams can focus their efforts on the strategic initiatives that matter most

Industry Leading Technology Platform

Praetorians’ continuous offensive security platform, Chariot, enables organization to proactively defend their attack surface through continuous discovery and identification of exposures, eliminating risk before it is exposed.

Ready to Begin Your Attack
Surface Management Initiative?

Praetorian’s Offense Security Experts are Ready to Answer Your Questions