Exploiting Kubernetes through Operator Injection

Introduction The Kubernetes documentation describes operators as “software extensions to Kubernetes that use custom resources to manage applications and their components.” These operators automate application resource deployment and management with custom controllers tied to one or more custom resource definitions. Custom controllers create bespoke attack surfaces that attackers can target when they can control custom resource data. […]

Konstellation: A Tool for RBACpacking in Kubernetes

The author presented this paper and corresponding tool at Black Hat: Arsenal 2023 on August 10, 2023. For a more general overview of Konstellation and its capabilities vis a vis Kubernetes RBAC, please see our earlier companion post.  Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a mechanism for controlling access to resources in a Kubernetes cluster. […]

Introducing Konstellation, for Kubernetes RBAC Analysis

Praetorian is excited to announce the upcoming release of Konstellation, a new open-source tool that simplifies Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) data collection and security analysis. Join us August 10, 2023, at Black Hat Arsenal 2023 for a deeper dive on exactly what this tool can do for you. Kubernetes RBAC is a powerful tool […]